Friday, July 17, 2009

We're Taking Over

Here's a picture of Suzy filling and using her fast growing belly (--seriously, it's already twice as big as this--and this picture was taken yesterday--or a couple of weeks ago).

It's the 17th of July, in the year of Our Ford. Suzy is now 30 weeks and 5 days pregnant with two boys and a girl, as I am sure you all know. Their names will most likely be Golgatha, Hertle, and Jim, and if all goes as planned (and that's a big "if"), they will make their grand entrance on Tuesday, August 25th.
We just went in for our weekly ultrasound this morning, and all news is good. The babies are basically the same weight (about 3 lbs.), and as of today they are practice-breathing (apparently a great sign). For his part, Joe is over-emotional about everything and fluctuating in weight more than Suzy. In fact, we aren't sure Joe isn't pregnant also, though no one has thought to do an ultrasound on him. Nooo, all the attention goes to Suzy and the three night owls--screw Joe...

Anyway, I am sorry for the lack of updates. But just as we are planning to do with the world, we are now taking over the blog--that's our fair warning.

Thank you Hannah and Katie for getting us this far. Suzy and I are both morons when it comes to blogs, but we'll try to figure it out. Thank you all for your support and interest and patience.


  1. Looking forward to future updates!

    If Golgatha, Hertle and Jim start to lose their luster, consider:

    Larry, Moe and Curly
    Hewie, Dewey and Louie
    Athos, Porthos, and Aramis

    Take care you two!

  2. I sure hope baby #3 is Golgatha as I have dibs on that one!!!

  3. YOu are such a hot momma!!! I am so happy you guys are updating the blog...keep the updates hearing all about it...miss you guys and I can't wait to see the whole family this fall.
    xoxo auntie weeds

  4. Love the photo suzy... except for those HHS shorts! Thanks for the baby name ideas - we thought we had come to a conclusion but we might have to steal one of your ideas... sorry.
    BTW - always up for another bonnie brae trip. I'm sure we left several people with something to talk about, "Did you see that guy escorting those two prego ladies??"

  5. Awesome blog Suzy. You are looking good. If I send you one of our uniforms can you put it on and take a picture? Hope everything goes well and I will keep up with your blog.

  6. Ok...time for another update!


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