Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Wieners... ahem... I mean Winners!

I got a phone call from Suzy and Joey today and they sang me a very lovely song which revealed, in true Destef fashion, the sex of the triplets! Drum roll please...

Two Boys, One Girl

They also found out that each of the triplets is healthy and developing well and that the two most active little buggers are the boys, and the more docile of the three is the girl.

Thank you to everyone who placed their bets on the sex of the triplets. Andy, Tom, Elizabeth, Julie, Sara, Kory, and Moche all guessed correctly, but the winner, drawn from the hat by my colleague Jayson just moments ago, is Sara! Sara Lew will receive 2 cigars and 1 rose for her clairvoyance. Enjoy!

Stay tuned for photos of Suzy's belly, ultrasound images, and more.

Thanks Everyone!

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