Sunday, June 12, 2022

Welcome, at least in words, to Germany!

Hello everybody! We had no internet in our house yet, and I was not in the mood to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to write at my cousin’s house, so I am writing now. This next post was for the day, June 6th, 2022. Welcome to the DeStefano Blog! This next chapter of both it and our lives is Germany! On June 1rst, after packing up our bags, we moved to my grandma’s house. With 6 people and a cat in a 2-bedroom, 1 bathroom, it was crowded but fun! Suzy and Joey, who I will be referring to as mom and dad, continuously took things from our old house to the storage unit. Everything from furniture to toys to dishes was packed in boxes! For days we didn't have a couch and the Colorado Avalanche were playing which meant we had to be intense hockey watchers sitting on the floor. Larry, the very fat, and tailless cat, was quite a difficulty in the move. We needed him to transition himself completely to our grandma’s house, then to our cousin’s house and finally, to our hose. I will continue to fill you in on the Adventures of Larry, the fat and tailless cat. While all of this was happening, we kids created our summer routine and kept to it throughout the rest our Colorado stay. We went to the pool for hours and then went home to either a movie, Marvel or Harry Potter, or games with the family. Also, part of the daily to do list was saying goodbye to friends and family. While these "Parties" consisted of tears, they also were filled with delicious food and lots of laughs! Finally, the day of our big adventure had arrived! Larry went to the vet and got weighed, coming through as 13 pounds! He's lucky because 1 or 2 more pounds, and he would be to fat to come. Granted, the people never weighed him in his cat carrier, so his weight did not really matter. Anyway, we got him some medicine to make him calm and sleepy but even with that, Larry was very resistant to go in the cat carrier. getting the drugs in him was even harder, though. He would spit out all the water and treats we gave him! After asking a friend, dad decided on the butter strategy. This consisted of pouring the drug, which was a powder, out of the capsule on to a small plate. mom would then grab and hold the squirming Larry tightly as dad would cover his buttered finger in the drug and shove it in Larry’s mouth! This was likely the hardest part of the airport/airplane. Once Larry was drugged and in the cat carrier, we grabbed our bags and headed out the door. The drive, checking in and security went very smoothly though Larry’s miserable meows made the car ride a loud one. After hours of waiting, we boarded the plane. There was there was turbulence immediately, which awaked Larry causing his meowing to start again. Other passenger, including me, were beginning to get annoyed with him, but he began to lose hope and got quiet again. The flight was very calm after that, and I watched three movies! I did sleep; however, it was only for 2 hours. Suddenly, as we were preparing to land, there was a sudden drop and lots of turbulence! At least, now everyone was awake on the plane and buckled up because turbulence was happening. Thankfully, it subsides quite quickly, and we landed with barly even a bump. We had landed at the Frankfurt airport! Again, the journey through the airport went smoothly. The security guard tried differentiating between the boys and guess wrong, which was quite funny. Eventually, after a long wait and some croissants we are on the last plane to Berlin! All that’s left to do is baggage claim, which took a hour and pack up a giant van to ride home! Until next time!


  1. It helps to read your posts...this is 'drea. It makes me feel close and connected to you. I miss you already. We are in Rhode Island and have fell in love with the state. We have 3 more nights left and are driving the perimeter of the state, because we can, and eating a progressive meal as we go. Thinking of you!

  2. Guten Tag neighbors! Loved reading about your adventure. We miss all of you on the cul de sac! Don't know how this works--an adventure for me as well!
    Clyde and Nancy

  3. I love reading your great german adventures. We miss you, Paulie Gaspar


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