Saturday, October 3, 2009

And in This Corner...

...weighing in at 7 lbs and 0 ozs, wearing the pink "Does this diaper make my butt look big?" onsie, and known for letting half her meals pour down her chin, for torpedo pooping her aunt Katie, and for having possibly the cutest puckered-lips picture ever taken--infant or otherwise, it's the oldest and most mature of the three, Scout!
... and then there's her brother, weighing in at 7 lbs, 6 ozs, wearing the white and brown monkey-butt onsie with the red trim, known for loving tummy rubs, having the best head of hair, and for taking turns with his brother crying bloody murder in the night, it's the wily, pursed-brow one, Charlie!
...and then we have the youngest and somehow most poetic triplet, known for letting his jowles fall over his neck and rest on his collar, for guzzling his meals while still asleep, and for leaving his mark with poop-smears or lazer pees on whomsoever might feed him, wearing the "Woof, Woof" blue pajamas, and weighing in at a solid 7 lbs and 13 ozs, the heavy weight champion of the house, at almost six weeks of age, the one, the only, Kiefer!
Yea...Speech. Speech. Give us a speech.
"Kiefer-Do, Kiefer-Do.
I poop on me,
and I poop on you.
I poop on the clothes
between us too.
I just want to make
sure Mom knew,
I grew,
and that's just what this Kiefer do."
(Well, it's not quite as good as Sly's speech at the end of Rocky IV, but I am sure Russians would like it just the same.)
Uncle Paris is in town. He and his wife, my sister, are pulling a Tim-and-Julie, taking shifts with their own kids in order to take shifts with ours, but flying in from Tulsa instead. Man, o man, these kids are lucky--and we are so lucky, Suzy and I.
Of course, the question of what we are going to do when these three start scooting around still looms, but, right now, all things are working wonderfully well: the sleeping routine is up and running, and Suzy and I are still just on this side of sanity, no doubt due to the love and support and dinners and diapers still coming in (--Annie Rudolph, my own childhood laughing partner, is buying dinner tonight, in fact).
Thank you, everyone--even those of you writing comments and emails or sending secret well-wishes or prayers or crossed-fingers, whatever, strangers or intimate friends. It all helps. All of it. Suzy joined an on-line group called The Triplet Connection, and while it has provided Suzy a great outlet and resource she could not otherwise have, it has also made clear that Suzy and I have unparalleled support. Again and ever again, what a world these three chunkos know! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  1. just wanted to drop a note to say that we are eating this stuff up in Brooklyn, reading books in honor of the kids, and generally cheering along.

  2. Just a note to let you know I am thinking of you and following along. Those little miracles are amazing!!!!!!


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