Thursday, March 30, 2023

Prague, the 1-on-1 adventures have begun

Doing things with just one kid at a time has always been a struggle for Joey and me, I don't exactly know why. I guess it's just easier taking everyone and doing things all together. Anyway, we started doing Monday dinners a few months ago, where we take turns taking one kid out to eat in our little town. Then, for Christmas, we decided let's give each kid a one-on-one trip. The deal was it had to be close enough that we could go for just the weekend. Each kid drew a name out of a hat and then we got planning. This spring I am going on a trip with Scout and then with Charlie. Kiefer and Joey will go on a trip also and then next year we will swap. That way each kid gets to go on one trip with me and one with Joe. So that leads us to our first trip. Scout picked Prague. We did some research, came up with a list of things we wanted to do, and booked our Flix bus tickets.
I told Scout that I wanted to go old school and use an actual map and not my phone. I swear I would walk myself straight off a bridge because apparently I have forgotten how to navigate without a phone. She took the challenge and rocked it. She was seriously really good with navigating the city with just our little paper map from the front desk of our lovely hotel.
Friday night we got in a bit later and just went straight to the hotel and watched some sweet 80's music videos, similar to the original MTV. We woke up and had a delicious hotel breakfast. This was a real treat for us--usually we just do a grocery store yogurt and croissant, but this buffet was delicious, not at all like the US hotel chain breakfasts. A great way to start our big day. Scout is not a big fan of public transit (the rest of us LOVE it) so we walked everywhere. First stop, The Museum of Fantastic Illusions.
We didn't have the carnivores with us so Scout researched a highly rated vegan restaurant and it exceeded our expectations. Fantastic "burgers"! Next stop: the Charles Bridge over to the Prague Castle. We'd been eyeing the famous chimney cakes but were too stuffed from lunch. Since we were walking fools, I knew we'd build up our appetite eventually. Those things are good!
We also made a quick stop at the Lennon wall. And it just so happened to be our cousin/nephew Lennon's birthday!
We finally made it to the castle. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were some great views!
I was toast at this point, so we headed back to the hotel for a little siesta before our second Vegetarian restaurant of the day and before our theater adventure that evening. We went to a black light show: hokey, but fun!
We slept like rocks after a day of walking everywhere. The next morning Scout wanted to try her first run in the city before it becomes lively. This is one of mine and Joey's favorite things to do. We love to get an early morning run in wherever we go. It's a great way to see the city and its sights before everyone else. Of course, she had to slow down for me, but we had so much fun.
What a fabulous first one-on-one trip! I had so much fun just talking and laughing with Scout. That human is funny, smart, active, and adventurous.

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