Sunday, November 13, 2022

Fall Break 2022: Greece (+ two extra jaunts)

Fall break was upon us: not one week, but two--yea, TWO WHOLE WEEKS! of vacation at the end of October--Awesome! Sure, Europe is a bit cold in late October (--and beautiful)
but we had Grandma Martha,
Maggie Foa
and, of course, the Williams
to help keep us warm. And, like birds, we headed south--all the way to Greece. Yahoo!
No wait, let's try that again:
...The Parthenon...
...Olympic Stadium...
...Odysseus on the sea looking for Penelope...
Ah, yes, that's the idea...
Right, YAHOO!!! Greece 2022.
As I did with Italy, I plan to give you our fall break in different segments, one for each part of our journey: Crete, Naxos and Athens. And then, a special bonus, I'll give you at least a taste of our two separate jaunts after Greece: Luxembourg and Hamburg. That's right, with four whole days left before school started up again, Suzy, her sister and mother, landed in Frankfurt, rented a car, and squeezed in a road-trip up to Luxembourg (Part 4). Meanwhile, my three joined me for a wonder-trip to Hamburg (Part 5).
But first things first: Greece. Yep, I am your host on this adventure.
I'm taking over for Scout mainly because we are short on time and that girl is somehow more busy than the rest of us put together; but also because I was the biggest grecophile or "philhellene" of the group, and it's only fitting I should share it with you. The time-crunch being what it is, my posts will be more pictures than words, but at least some of you will guess how the seeds sown here have already grown to Homeric proportions in my imagination... In fact, let me reintroduce myself as your host:
Ah, there we go. (I think Suzy already texted this message with the caption "Which one is real?" Yes, the picture was her idea in the first place. Very funny.) Okay, my greatly missed friends and family, time for another installment from the DeStefanos...

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