Thursday, August 4, 2022

Sixth Course: Milan

Milan was the last stop of our Italian adventure and we were ready for it. All we had on our list to do was go to the Duomo.
First, we got to our room. The technology was fancy, with Mom having to use an app on her phone to unlock 2 different doors. The inside of the apartment was awesome, definitely modernized. The bathroom had a fancy mirror and shower, the kitchen had crazy cool tile, and the bed was amazing!
After taking a break there, we ate a very late lunch (or quite an early dinner, not sure which one) from the grocery store, and then went to explore the Duomo. We found it quickly but we couldn't go in because we got there too late. The outside was incredible, though.
It has 3400 statues, 135 gargoyles and 700 figures that decorate it. Then we wandered back to our apartment, with a stop for our last Italian gelato of the trip!
The next morning, we left for the airport way earlier than needed [(--the airline was going on strike, so we weren't sure what to expect)], getting through customs and security quickly, eating at Wagamama for lunch, and then hopping on a plane back to Germany!
Yep, apparently, Clet had emended a few signs in Milan, too. Scout is still planning on doing a blogpost just of his signs. But for our trip, this is it, your meal is complete. Thank you for joining us, and, again, well done Scouty. She does not yet understand how important the service she provides is, but I do... Yea, Milan, as I hinted in the last post, was the last bit of a meal served after we were too full. We were travel-weary for sure, but that is not to say Milan wasn't great. That Duomo!!! Man, do I love it. That was the first architectural triumph I saw in Italy (20-some years ago), and the impression of it is still with me--vividly. I am bummed Suzy and I could not get into it with the kids, but a successful venture, I think, always leaves you feeling like there is much more to do and see; and the outside of that cathedral did enough to create that sense, even if the inside promised to do it that much more. What did Scout say, 3400 statues (--where does she get this stuff?)? More than a thousand of those statues are on the outside, I know, literally hundreds of them topping their own spires. Magnificent! Rick Steves says it is the 3rd largest cathedral in the world. Really something. That said, the three figures on top of these traffic barriers outside the duomo--they were and will continue to be our favorite things to see anywhere. Let's see, how would Scout say it, "And, of course, mom had to stop and take some photos of us!"
But they are not just our favorites because we're their parents, and we love them with all our hearts. They're actually great travel companions. Their adjustability, patience, and humor, and wonder, even when we were all tired, was amazing--the entire trip, just about every moment of it; and without a question, they were the ongoing highlight for Suzy and me. Here, in Germany, too. Every day they make me excited for what we haven't seen and done yet. What's next? Spain? France? Another stint of England with Granny and Grandpa?
Now, if you're keeping track, you might recall my telling you that our glamping site in Siena was tied for our second favorite place to stay in Italy. Tied with what? Our place here in Milan, the completely renovated and modernized painter's studio with a loft. The kids loved it (and the fact that they could love anything at this stage of the trip is evidence of their great stamina). But wait, I know what you're thinking, didn't I promise you a seven-course meal, and isn't Milan only the sixth course? Ah, well, you astute and gluttonous observers, the seventh course, which I call "Dessert" is on the way. Stay tuned...

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