Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time to Party!

Well, tomorrow (8/22), we celebrate the triplet's first birthday, which is actually on Wednesday (8/25). That's right, the big one year old, times three. We have come a long way since Hannah and Katie D first posted ultrasound pictures to this new blog.

Check out the video, and get a sense of what the peeps are up to now (--of course, their quest and development has been and continues to be mind boggling--I'm telling you, Hercules, himself, pays homage to infants--just incredible, as all you parents know). This one's called "Charlie and Friends"--he and especially his head are the main features...

In addition to what you see there, these three are standing, clapping, waving, and eating like dump trucks. Scout's also scooting along the couch. Oh, and she and Charlie are both climbing--stairs, chairs, tables even. One day, Suzy turned around and Scout was up on the table next to the couch via the piled boppies and a diaper container tuned sideways. I thought baby-proofing simply meant closing doors, covering plugs, vacuuming your floor every other hour, etc. I didn't know it meant you had to redecorate your home in the least practical way possible. We just tell people, it's a habit we formed in S. Korea...

Anyway, Suzy is back to school this year (--had her first couple of days with students last week). It's a difficult transition, of course, for both of us, but we have, thanks to Mike and Drea, a terrific nanny. I've told you a bit about her already, and will only add here, that, so far, it is working out better than we had hoped. The children are big fans of Hannah the nanna, and she is having a great time herself. The sleep and meal routine is holding strong.

Oh, and the wonderful Kory and Foa clan are taking the babes on Mondays, which, though we have only done it once yet, is already like sending the kids to their own versions of heaven. Those cousins are awesome, and Suzy and I have been emulating Kory and Jason since we met them.

And so life goes on: one year down, the rest of eternity straight ahead.

Thank you all for your continued support, well-wishes and everything else. Scout, Charlie, and Kiefer, are each unique reflections of all your love--of this great world's finest embrace. They are, in a word, happy.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Joe and Suzy

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the movie! I particularly like the scene at the window. I also love when Suzy cuts Charlie's hair and Joey asks where she put it (I was wondering the same thing!).


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