Monday, May 17, 2010

Laughing Matters

A couple of nights ago, before Suzy and I turned out our bedside lights, we heard a noise come from the babies' room. I quickly whispered, "Suzy, listen." She turned her ear toward the hall. Again, we heard it, and Suzy quietly interjected, "Aaa"--but it was not the typical "Aaa" that you lady folk are so expert in. No, this one was filled with both adoration and marvel. One of the boys was laughing in his sleep...

Man O man, it's been a long time since I posted. You might guess that this is because the babies are ever more demanding, but actually the opposite is true: we have all learned to play this game ever more efficiently and my teeming mind keeps taking up other projects. Funny to think what my former sense of "busy" was. Yea, that's it, my attention is only more diffused. Or have I not posted simply because it's the end of the school year, always a crazy time?

Whatever the case, if time is short, I am only happy it is so full. One thing I can tell you (--I think I have once already), it is utterly thrilling--a parent's thrill, to discover how much greater one's capacity for love is. But what completely levels you is realizing how much your child loves you in return. Man, is it humbling... When I walk in the door, or when Suzy holds one of them close, oh, that smile ripples through your entire being, ripples through all the world besides. Trees and stones perk up in the light of so pure a love.
Yes, I know, troubles and more Victorian times are on their way, around the corner perhaps, but for the moment, it is spring, life is grand and the whole family is madly in love with each other!!! That, and nothing less, is the reason I have not posted. Well, now I have much to share about each of them.
Let's see, we'll take each one up, in turn.

Scout is loud and verbose. Typically, every morning is prefaced by some 30-minute contemplative monologue--loud monologue. What is she contemplating? Without a doubt, mischief. Yes, our goose is cooked. Suzy is being repaid for a childhood of thorough rascality, and I--well, I am collateral damage. Now, Scout hasn't actually done anything to raise such suspicion, but you can see it in her eyes--there, and in the way she sometimes purses her lips and then kind of huff-snorts like an angry bull...................................................... ..............................................When we imitate her, she smiles large. What else? She does a spread eagle while in the stroller, pulls her booties or socks off regularly, will not tolerate being touched on the head by either of her brothers, and, o, she eats half of all her meals only while reading an octopus book. She also was the first to position herself on her hands and knees, not yet crawling, but very close.

Kiefer is still the chubster, and he is also a comedian. He and Charlie were sitting across from each other and he was emitting these guttural barks, which cracked Charlie up. I didn't think they were all that funny, but, man, Charlie was splitting his side. But the biggest news for Kiefer is that a few days ago, he cut his first tooth. It's as though he means to defy his station as the youngest triplet his entire life. Go Kiefer, go: Scout's extra two minutes in this world mean nothing. In truth, Kiefer is the only one that has launched himself forward in the crawling position. Oh, and cutest of all cute things, he purrs--actually more a gurgle, but warm and fuzzy like a cat.

Charlie is at the same time the most excitable and the most cuddly. Just yesterday, he picked up this old-fashioned yarn cube with a little jingle inside it, and, instead of putting it into his mouth, like his siblings would do, or drumming it onto his leg, like he often does, he just pressed it against his own cheek and closed his eyes. I thought I was watching some detergent commercial or something. But definitely excitable also! I don't have the heart to tell Kiefer, but Charlie laughs at everything. Seriously, we don't even have to make faces anymore, let alone sounds and sudden gestures--he just laughs if you're looking at him. And, let's see, he is the best at manipulating his food, and he is also close to crawling, though he seems to prefer making swimming motions while resting on his chest and belly. Oh, and Charlie is still the most likely to pee on you, which goes all the way back to Chris Harris's training. Thanks a lot, Chris...............

Generally, we're all doing well. Flavor of the week: cottage cheese, banana and peas. The trips all sit up to play, and then roll over every which way to go to sleep. All are weaned off the breast (--Scout went 8 months), and as of this morning, I am weaning them off the beard--big beard--9 months long--longer than the kids. I'm actually weaning them off their hobo-father conception gradually over the next three weeks. Hmm. The little people are also interacting with each other, still only grunts and coos and laughs, but definitely back and forth. They prefer it, actually, to bouncing in the bouncer. Sometimes we set them up in a circle and are loath to interrupt them. Today, I am pretty sure the boys are not identical. But yesterday, I was convinced the other way. Tomorrow? Well, check out the pictures and tell me what you think. Oh, and Suzy finished her spring class, registered for two more in the summer, and will only be a fall course away from her MA. She also is going back to work next year. We have found a great person to nanny. Her name is Hannah, but understandably feeling like these kids have one too many Hannahs in their life already, we are going to call her Hanny (the nanny) instead.

But I'll tell you what isn't a laughing matter--I mean, this royally sucks: people aren't making us dinner any more, or cutting our lawn, or offering to shave my beard. What gives, people?! Hello, still have triplets here. Just because they're past the cute stage doesn't mean Suzy and I suddenly know how to cook. We're starving. (--Yea, that's right, you have spoiled us, never mind the kids--and we want the swan that lays golden eggs now!!)

Enough of me, check out these new photos. Jamie's friend came over and shot them on Mother's Day. They're the best pictures we have yet! Enjoy (and thank you earnestly for all your help and warm thoughts).


  1. look at all that hair! and those tooshies!

    these are beautiful photos -- kudos to "Jamie's friend". we took a lot of time poring over these yesterday. i had to explain to Daya how the beard is an "Italian thing"...

    look at those eyes on my girl! wow. the boys do look 100% identical in some shots, but then you'd never guess it in others. and Charlie is looking a lot like Sam/Jack from here. (right?)

    you guys sound fantastic. cheers and love from the northeast.

    -- andy

  2. oh man, Joey Joe, can you write! the tempo of your words and the acuity of these images makes me miss the DeKiefer family all the more fervently. and who is this woman caring for three packages of joy and getting her masters degree at once? SOOOOZZZY! dinner's at my place in denver come fall.

    sending love south and west,

  3. These pictures are priceless!!!!! They should be "submitted" to where ever you do that!!!!
    Been looking for you at Harvard Park when you go on your walks!!!!!


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