Sunday, December 20, 2009

Accomplishments, Large and Small

Well, the first large-person accomplishment is also the reason I haven't written for a while: I finished the fall semester. Yep, I am officially on winter break. The babes are rounding their fourth month of life, our volunteer system has run its course (--great thanks to all our volunteers for helping us make the initial adjustment) and Suzy's wearing her old jeans (--into which she must tuck a wonderful deposit of wrinkly belly skin). But bigger still, is the fact that Suzy has successfully breastfed triplets all the way up to this point. We are now just beginning to supplement with formula--two ounces mixed with three to four more ounces of breastmilk for the baby on the bottle. Suzy still pumps after each feeding, in addtion to waking at 3:00 AM every night to pump some more, but the demand exceeds the output and has exhausted our frozen milk surplus. Four months. With triplets. Incredible. Well done, Suzy. All in all, what a great start these three thumbsuckers have had. But let's get to the fun stuff: the small-person accomplishments. All three are pooping-peeing-sleeping happy people. Both Charlie and Scout have rolled over from front to back (--Charlie has rolled right and left). Kiefer, not so much so.

"Yea, precocious this," says Kiefer (--note the left hand).Both Charlie and Kiefer have also laughed, and no one can make them laugh like Grandma Martha--she's so funny--looking. Well, Charlie also thinks the guy in the mirror is hilarious. (We have videos of them laughing which I plan to post once I have the means to do it.) Let's see, what else? They are just so alert and observant. Under the play-gym, lying next to each other, grabbing at each other's ears, or taking a tour of their bedroom, looking at each of the monsters on their wall, these three are amused by everything. Charlie has even shown me a thing or two in Scrabble.But make no mistake about it, these three are not in competition. No, they're in cahoots. I think their plotting something...

More coming soon. Happy Holidays to you all. Hope Santa treats you right. Hope you have a ball with your loved ones. Oh, and a special shout out to our friends abroad, especially Fang Fang. Yours is the best encouragement I know for this blog. Thanks.

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